10x Genomics, Partek, and NCI-NIH Researcher Discuss Single Cell Analysis

10x Genomics, Partek, and NCI-NIH Researcher Discuss Single Cell Analysis

10x Genomics, Partek, and NCI-NIH Researcher Discuss Single Cell Analysis

This webinar was hosted by 10x Genomics and discusses single cell technology, data analysis, and how both were used to advance one researcher’s study.

• Dr. Stephen Hague discusses the 10x Genomics single cell gene expression workflow (10-minutes)
• Dr. Ivan Lukic of Partek introduces Partek Flow analysis software for single cell data (11-minutes)
• Dr. M. Christine Hollander of the NCI & NIH discusses her work on the evolution of the immune response during mammary tumor progression and metastasis in mice and how she used the 10x technology & Partek Flow (20-minutes)
• Q/A session (6-minutes)

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Kathi Gosche10x Genomics, Partek, and NCI-NIH Researcher Discuss Single Cell Analysis