What’s New in Partek Flow

<strong> What’s New in Partek Flow</strong>

What’s New in Partek Flow


Partek is proud to release a new version of Partek Flow with additional features to improve the user experience, expand support for spatial technologies, and enhance statistical capabilities. Join us for a webinar outlining the latest new features and improvements.

Interactive Data Visualization:

  • Visium, Xenium, and CosMx – High-resolution image support
  • Cell Type Identification – New paint mode for dot selection in scatterplots, and gene score-based cell selection to leverage spatial data for analysis

Intuitive Data Import:

  • Multisample Data Import – Simplified data import from 10x Genomics, Parse Biosciences, Fluent BioSciences, NanoString, and more
  • Xenium and CosMx – Import and analyze data from the latest spatial platforms

Advanced Statistical Analysis:

  • Correlation Analysis – Enhances multiomics data analysis across different modalities
  • Pseudo Bulk – Aggregate single cell data at the bulk level

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Kathi Gosche What’s New in Partek Flow